§ 24.2-406. Persons who may obtain lists of persons voting at primaries andelections.
A. The State Board shall furnish to candidates, elected officials, orpolitical party chairmen and to no one else, on request and at a reasonableprice, lists for their districts of persons who voted at any primary,special, or general election held in the four preceding years. Such listsshall be used only for campaign and political purposes and for reporting toconstituents.
B. The State Board shall furnish to the Chief Election Officer of anotherstate, on request and at a reasonable price, lists of persons who voted atany primary, special, or general election held for the four preceding years.Such lists shall be used only for the purpose of maintenance of voterregistration systems and shall be transmitted in accordance with securitypolicies approved by the State Board of Elections.
C. In no event shall any list furnished under this section contain the socialsecurity number, or any part thereof, of any registered voter, except for alist furnished to the Chief Election Officer of another state permitted touse social security numbers, or any parts thereof, that provides for the useof such numbers on applications for voter registration in accordance withfederal law, for maintenance of voter registration systems.
D. Any list furnished under this section shall contain the post office boxaddress in lieu of the residence street address for any individual who hasfurnished at the time of registration or subsequently, in addition to hisstreet address, a post office box address pursuant to subsection B of §24.2-418.
(1970, c. 462, § 24.1-23; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 119; 1972, c. 620; 1973, c. 30;1974, cc. 369, 428; 1975, c. 515; 1976, c. 616; 1978, c. 778; 1983, c. 348;1993, cc. 144, 641; 1994, c. 250; 1995, c. 314; 1996, c. 251; 2001, cc. 612,626; 2003, c. 1015; 2004, cc. 184, 410; 2007, c. 318; 2009, c. 318.)