§ 24.2-407.1. Prohibition on disclosure of social security numbers or partsthereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person who has obtained, under § 24.2-405 or24.2-406 or any prior law, a list of persons registered or voting whichcontained social security numbers, or any parts thereof, to disclose anyvoter's social security number, or any part thereof, to any other person. Anyperson maintaining a system containing social security numbers, or any partsthereof, obtained from the Board shall delete or destroy the portion of hisrecords containing those numbers, except for a list furnished to a court ofthe Commonwealth or of the United States for jury selection purposes, acommissioner of the revenue, as defined in § 58.1-3100, or a treasurer, asdefined in § 58.1-3123, for tax assessment, collection, and enforcementpurposes, or the Chief Election Officer of another state, permitted to usesocial security numbers, or any parts thereof, that provides for the use ofsuch numbers on applications for voter registration in accordance withfederal law, for the purpose of matching voter registration lists.
(1994, c. 656; 2007, c. 318; 2010, c. 452.)