§ 24.2-410.1. Citizenship status; Department of Motor Vehicles to furnishlists of noncitizens.
A. The Department of Motor Vehicles shall include on the application for adriver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary driver's permit,learner's permit, motorcycle learner's permit, special identification card,or renewal thereof issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3 (§ 46.2-300et seq.) of Title 46.2, as a predicate to offering a voter registrationapplication pursuant to § 24.2-411.1, a statement asking the applicant if heis a United States citizen. If the applicant indicates a noncitizen status,the Department shall not offer that applicant the opportunity to apply forvoter registration. If the applicant indicates that he is a United Statescitizen and that he wishes to register to vote or change his voterregistration address, the statement that he is a United States citizen shallbecome part of the voter registration application offered to the applicant.Information on citizenship status shall not be a determinative factor for theissuance of any document pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3 (§ 46.2-300et seq.) of Title 46.2.
B. Additionally, the Department of Motor Vehicles shall furnish monthly tothe State Board a complete list of all persons who have indicated anoncitizen status to the Department in obtaining a driver's license,commercial driver's license, temporary driver's permit, learner's permit,motorcycle learner's permit, special identification card, or renewal thereofissued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3 (§ 46.2-300 et seq.) of Title46.2. The Board shall transmit the information from the list to theappropriate general registrars. Information in the lists shall beconfidential and available only for official use by the State Board andgeneral registrars.
C. For the purposes of this section, the Department is not responsible forverifying the claim of any applicant who indicates United States citizenstatus when applying for a driver's license, commercial driver's license,temporary driver's permit, learner's permit, motorcycle learner's permit,special identification card, or renewal thereof issued pursuant to theprovisions of Chapter 3 (§ 46.2-300 et seq.) of Title 46.2.
(2006, cc. 926, 940.)