§ 24.2-416.1. Voter registration by mail.
A. A person may apply to register to vote by mail by completing and returninga mail voter registration application form in the manner and time provided bylaw.
B. Any person, who applies to register to vote by mail pursuant to thisarticle and who has not previously voted in the county or city in which heregisters to vote, shall be required to vote in person, either at the pollson election day or in-person absentee. However, this requirement to vote inperson shall not apply to a person so long as he (i) is entitled to vote byabsentee ballot under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act(42 U.S.C. § 1973ff-1 et seq.); (ii) is provided the right to vote otherwisethan in person under § 3 (b) (2) (B) (ii) of the Voting Accessibility for theElderly and Handicapped Act (42 U.S.C. § 1973ee-1 (b) (2) (B) (ii)),including any disabled voter and any voter age 65 or older who is otherwisequalified to vote absentee under § 24.2-700; (iii) is entitled to voteotherwise than in person under other federal law; (iv) is a full-time studentin an institution of higher learning; or (v) requests to vote an absenteeballot by mail for presidential and vice-presidential elections only, for anyreason, as entitled by federal law.
(1996, cc. 72, 73; 2003, c. 1015.)