§ 24.2-417.1. Registration residence requirements; presumptions in certaincases.
In determining the residence as defined in § 24.2-101 and the domicile andplace of abode of a participant in the American Conservation and YouthService Corps provided for by federal law (42 U.S.C. § 12655 et seq.), thereshall be a presumption that a participant in the Corps who was domiciled andhad a place of abode in Virginia at the time of entering the Corps continuesto be domiciled and retains the same place of abode unless the participantexpressly states otherwise.
In determining the residence as defined in § 24.2-101 and domicile and placeof abode of a military or merchant marine spouse or dependent, there shall bea presumption that a military or merchant marine spouse or dependent who hasestablished physical presence and a place of abode in the Commonwealth shallalso have established domicile in the Commonwealth unless the spouse ordependent expressly states otherwise. Once residence is changed, the militaryor merchant marine spouse or dependent may not revert to any previousresidence without re-establishing new physical presence and intent to remainor return.
(1995, c. 231; 2006, c. 391.)