§ 24.2-428. Regular periodic review of registration records; notice to votersidentified as having moved; placement on inactive status for failure torespond to notice.
A. The State Board shall establish a voter list maintenance program using thechange of address information supplied by the United States Postal Servicethrough its licensees or by other reliable sources to identify voters whoseaddresses may have changed. Any such program shall be regular and periodicand shall be conducted at least annually. The program shall be completed notlater than ninety days prior to the date of a federal primary or federalgeneral election.
B. If it appears from information provided by the Postal Service or by otherreliable sources that a voter has moved to a different address in the samecounty or city in which the voter is currently registered, the State Board ofElections shall provide to the general registrar the information necessary tochange the registration records to show the new address, and the State Boardof Elections or the general registrar shall send to the new address of thevoter by forwardable mail, a notice of the change, along with a postageprepaid, pre-addressed return card by which the voter may verify or correctthe address information.
C. If it appears from information provided by the Postal Service or by otherreliable sources that a voter has moved to a different address not in thesame county or city, the State Board of Elections or the general registrarshall send to the last known address of the voter by forwardable mail, anotice on a form prescribed by the State Board, along with a postage prepaidand pre-addressed return card on which the voter may state his currentaddress.
D. The registered voter shall complete and sign the return card subject tofelony penalties for making false statements pursuant to § 24.2-1016.
E. The general registrar shall correct his registration records from theinformation obtained from the return card. If the information indicates thatthe registered voter has moved to another general registrar's jurisdictionwithin the Commonwealth, the general registrar shall transfer theregistration record, along with the return card, to the appropriate generalregistrar who shall treat the request for a change of address as a requestfor transfer and shall send a voter registration card as confirmation of thetransfer to the voter pursuant to § 24.2-424. If the general registrar doesnot receive the return card provided for in subsection C of this sectionwithin thirty days after it is sent to the voter, the registered voter's nameshall be placed on inactive status. A registered voter's failure to receivethe notice shall not affect the validity of the inactivation.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-96, 24-97, 24-107; 1954, c. 690; 1962, c. 536; 1964, c.538; 1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-59, 24.1-60; 1972, c. 620; 1973, c. 30; 1975, c.515; 1976, c. 616; 1982, c. 650; 1986, c. 241; 1990, c. 313; 1991, c. 10;1993, c. 641; 1996, cc. 72, 73; 2000, c. 857.)