§ 24.2-442. When registration permitted; lapse of registration.
Registration under this article shall be permitted until the registrationrecords are closed pursuant to § 24.2-416 and shall be valid for allelections for which the voter is eligible through the end of the federalelection cycle in which the voter submits his application or for 365 days,whichever is longer. After such period, registration under this article shallno longer be valid. If an official reply to the application or an absenteeballot sent to the applicant is returned as undeliverable, no ballots forsubsequent elections shall be sent under that application. No ballot shall besent to the applicant, and no voted ballot received from the applicant shallbe valid, (i) for any election held after the voter has notified theregistrar that the voter no longer wishes to be registered or (ii) after theregistrar has received notification that the voter has registered to vote inanother state.
(1977, c. 305, § 24.1-72.14; 1993, c. 641; 2004, c. 410; 2007, c. 311; 2010,cc. 449, 645.)