§ 24.2-515. Presidential year primaries.
Primaries for the nomination of candidates for offices to be voted on at thegeneral election date in November shall be held on the second Tuesday in Junenext preceding such election, except that beginning with the year 2004 and inpresidential election years thereafter, primaries to choose amongpresidential candidates may be held as provided below in Article 7 (§24.2-544 et seq.) of this chapter on the second Tuesday in February.Primaries for the nomination of candidates for offices to be voted on at thegeneral election date in May shall be held on the first Tuesday in March nextpreceding such election, except that beginning with the year 2004 and inpresidential election years thereafter, primaries for the nomination ofcandidates for offices to be voted on at the general election date in Mayshall be held as described below in Article 7 of this chapter on the secondTuesday in February.
(Code 1950, § 24-349; 1952, c. 4; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-174; 1971, Ex. Sess.,c. 119; 1975, c. 515; 1993, c. 641; 1999, c. 972; 2003, cc. 815, 823.)