§ 24.2-542. State Board to be furnished names of electors selected bypolitical parties; oaths of electors.
In elections for President and Vice President of the United States, theappropriate chairman or secretary of each political party shall furnish tothe State Board by noon of the seventy-fourth day before the presidentialelection (i) the names of the electors selected by the party at itsconvention held for that purpose, together with the names of the politicalparty and of the candidates for President and Vice President for whom theelectors are required to vote in the Electoral College and (ii) a copy of asubscribed and notarized oath by each elector stating that he will, ifelected, cast his ballot for the candidates for President and Vice Presidentnominated by the party that selected the elector, or as the party may directin the event of death, withdrawal or disqualification of the party nominee.In the event of the death or withdrawal of a candidate of a political partyfor President or Vice President, that party may substitute the name of adifferent candidate before the State Board certifies to the county and cityelectoral boards the form of the official ballots. The State Board shall alsobe furnished, if it requests, with satisfactory evidence that any personundertaking to act as an elector on behalf of any political party is, infact, duly and properly authorized to do so.
(Code 1950, § 24-290.1; 1950, p. 246; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-158; 1982, c. 650;1984, c. 480; 1993, c. 641; 1996, c. 574; 2001, c. 630.)