§ 24.2-544. Time presidential primaries to be held and completion of dutiesby officers of election; age qualifications for participation.
A. Primaries for the nomination of candidates for the office of President ofthe United States to be voted on at the November 2004 general election, andthe November general election in each presidential election year thereafter,shall be held on the second Tuesday in February preceding the Novembergeneral election. Primaries for the nomination of candidates for all officesto be voted on at the May 2004 general election, and the May general electionin each presidential election year thereafter, shall be held on the secondTuesday in February preceding the May general election.
B. The provisions of this title shall apply to the conduct of presidentialyear primaries including the time limits applicable to notices and candidatefiling deadlines and the closing of registration records before the primary.The State Board shall provide a schedule for the notices and filing deadlinesby the August 1 prior to the February primary including a campaign financedisclosure report filing schedule adjusted to reflect the differences betweenthe June date for other primaries and the February date for the presidentialprimary, and the March and February primary dates.
C. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any officer ofelection who serves at any election held on the second Tuesday in Februaryshall be required to complete his official duties relating to that electionwhether or not he has been reappointed to serve for the ensuing year.
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any person whois otherwise qualified and will be 18 years of age on or before the day ofthe next November general election shall be permitted to register in advanceof and also vote in any presidential primary and any other primary held onthe same day.
(1999, c. 972; 2000, cc. 1, 856; 2003, cc. 815, 823; 2006, c. 205.)