§ 24.2-619. Sealing ballots.
The electoral board shall designate one of its members or some other personto cause the seal of the board to be affixed in his presence to every ballotprinted as provided in this chapter. The seal shall be on the side reversefrom that on which the names of the candidates appear. The seal may beaffixed on the ballot either mechanically or manually. The member of theboard or other person designated shall sign a statement, subject to felonypenalties for making false statements pursuant to § 24.2-1016, that the sealof the electoral board was affixed to the ballots in his presence in themanner prescribed by law, setting forth the name of every person taking partin the affixing of the seal, and stating that he has faithfully performed hisduties. His statement shall be filed with the minutes of the board. For hisservices in causing the seal to be affixed to the ballots, the persondesignated, other than a board member, shall receive at least twenty dollarsper day.
Any person, other than the secretary of the board, designated to attend tothe stamping of the ballots, shall return the seal to the secretary as soonas the stamping of the ballots is completed.
Every person taking part in affixing the seal to the ballots or in placingthe ballots in packages shall give his statement, subject to felony penaltiesfor making false statements pursuant to § 24.2-1016, that he has faithfullyperformed his duties and that he will not divulge to anyone the contents ofthe ballots or any part thereof. These statements shall be filed with thesecretary of the board and retained with the minutes of the board.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-225, 24-228, 24-229; 1950, p. 165; 1970, c. 462, §§24.1-117, 24.1-118; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 119; 1980, c. 639; 1993, c. 641.)