§ 24.2-633. Notice of final testing of equipment; sealing equipment.
Before the final testing of voting or counting equipment for any election,the electoral board shall mail written notice (i) to the chairman of thelocal committee of each political party or, (ii) in a primary election, tothe chairman of the local committee of the political party holding theprimary, or (iii) in a city or town council election in which no candidate isa party nominee and which is held when no other election having partynominees is being conducted, to the candidates.
The notice shall state the time and place where the equipment will be testedand state that the political party or candidate receiving the notice may haveone representative present while the equipment is tested.
At the time stated in the notice, the representatives, if present, shall beafforded an opportunity to see that the equipment is in proper condition foruse at the election. When a device has been so examined by therepresentatives, it shall be sealed with a numbered seal in their presence,or, if the device cannot be sealed with a numbered seal, it shall be lockedwith a key. The representatives shall certify as to the numbers of thedevices; if mechanical voting devices are used, that all counters are set atzero (000); the number registered on the protective counter; and the numberon the seal. When no party or candidate representative is present, thecustodian shall seal the device as prescribed in this section in the presenceof a member of the electoral board or its representative.
(Code 1950, § 24-300; 1962, c. 260; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-210; 1981, c. 425;1985, c. 458; 1993, c. 641; 1998, c. 264; 2004, cc. 993, 1010.)