§ 24.2-648. Write-in votes on voting equipment.
Write-in votes may be cast on voting equipment for any person whose name doesnot appear on the ballot as a candidate for the office being voted, subjectto this section and the provisions of § 24.2-644 not in conflict with thissection.
Each write-in vote shall be entered in the receptacle or area designated onthe device for the office being elected. A write-in vote shall be cast in itsappropriate place, in accordance with the instructions for that equipment, orit shall be void and not counted.
Except on devices which provide a means to enter a name electronically, eachwrite-in vote shall be entered by the voter in his own handwriting or handprinting.
(Code 1950, § 24-307; 1962, c. 260; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-217; 1975, c. 515;1985, c. 458; 1990, c. 214; 1993, c. 641; 1996, c. 5.)