§ 24.2-651.1. Voter who is shown as having already voted; challenge andprocedure for voting; voter identification.
The officers of election shall challenge the vote of any person who offers tovote, who is listed on the pollbook, and whose name is marked to indicatethat he has already voted in person in the election.
When the person is challenged, an officer shall explain to him the basis forthe challenge. If the person being challenged states that he has not votedand is qualified, an officer shall ask the voter to present one of thefollowing forms of identification: his Commonwealth of Virginia voterregistration card, his social security card, his valid Virginia driver'slicense, or any other identification card issued by a government agency ofthe Commonwealth, one of its political subdivisions, or the United States; orany valid employee identification card containing a photograph of the voterand issued by an employer of the voter in the ordinary course of theemployer's business.
If the person presents the requested form of identification showing him to bethe person listed on the pollbook, an officer of election shall give him theform set out in § 24.2-651 for the person to sign subject to felony penaltiesfor making false statements pursuant to § 24.2-1016.
If the person challenged refuses to sign the statement, he shall not bepermitted to vote. If, however, he signs the statement, he shall be permittedto vote on the voting system in use at the precinct.
When the voter has shown the requested identification, has signed thestatement, and is permitted to vote, the officers of election shall mark hisname on the pollbook with the first or next consecutive number from the votercount form, or shall enter that the voter has voted if the pollbook is inelectronic form, and shall indicate on the pollbook that the person hassigned the required statement in accordance with the instructions of theState Board of Elections.
(1997, c. 915; 2000, cc. 366, 451; 2003, c. 1015.)