§ 24.2-658. Devices with printed return sheets; disposition of sheets.
If devices that print returns are used, the printed inspection sheet and twocopies of the printed return sheet containing the results of the election foreach device shall be inserted in the envelope containing the pollbooks by theofficers of election and sealed and returned as required by § 24.2-668.
The printed inspection sheets and one copy of the printed return sheets shallbe kept with the pollbooks and preserved as provided in § 24.2-669.
One copy of the printed return sheets shall be made available by the clerk ofthe circuit court on the day following the election and for sixty additionaldays for inspection and transcribing information therefrom by the public.
(1981, c. 425, § 24.1-222.1; 1985, c. 458; 1993, c. 641.)