§ 24.2-702. Application for early absentee ballot; procedures.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, a person, who is eligiblefor an absentee ballot under subdivision 2 of § 24.2-700 and qualified underthis section, may apply, not later than ninety days before that election, foran absentee ballot only for elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, orAttorney General.
The application may be made on the Federal Post Card Application.
In order to qualify for the absentee ballot, the voter shall state that he isunable to vote in any other manner due to overseas military service or due toliving in an isolated or extremely remote overseas area. This statement maybe made on the Federal Post Card Application.
On receipt of the application, the electoral board shall issue, at leastninety days before an election, the printed ballot only for elections forGovernor, Lieutenant Governor, or Attorney General. No additional ballot orballots shall be provided to such applicants for that election date.
(1992, c. 291, § 24.1-228.1:2; 1993, c. 641.)