§ 24.2-702.1. Write-in absentee ballots.
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a qualified absenteevoter who is eligible for an absentee ballot under subdivision 2 of §24.2-700 may use a write-in absentee ballot in any election. Such ballotshall be submitted and processed in the manner provided by the Uniformed andOverseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. § 1973ff et seq.) and thisarticle.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a write-in absenteeballot submitted pursuant to subsection A shall be considered valid forpurposes of simultaneously satisfying both an absentee ballot application anda completed absentee ballot, provided that the ballot is received no laterthan the deadline for the return of absentee ballots as provided in §24.2-709 for the election in which the voter offers to vote, and theapplication on the envelope contains the following information: (i) thevoter's signature; however, if the voter is unable to sign, the personassisting the voter will note this fact in the voter signature box; (ii) thevoter's printed name; (iii) the county or city in which he is registered andoffers to vote; (iv) the residence address at which he is registered to vote;(v) his current military or overseas address; and (vi) the signature of awitness who shall sign the same envelope. If the voter is not currentlyregistered in Virginia and is eligible to be, such write-in absentee ballotshall also be considered valid for the purpose of serving as a voterregistration application.
(1993, c. 813, § 24.1-228.2:1; 1993, c. 641; 2002, cc. 785, 819; 2009, cc.230, 310; 2010, cc. 449, 645.)