§ 24.2-703. Application for absentee ballots for multiple elections foruniformed and overseas voters.
Any person who is eligible for an absentee ballot under subdivision 2 of §24.2-700, or for temporary registration under Articles 7 (§ 24.2-440 et seq.)or 7.1 (§ 24.2-443.1 et seq.) of Chapter 4, may file a single application toreceive ballots for all elections in which he is eligible to vote absentee.The application shall be on a Federal Post Card Application. The applicationfrom any person who is eligible for an absentee ballot under subdivision 2 of§ 24.2-700 that is received by the general registrar no later than 5:00 p.m.on the seventh day prior to the election shall be valid through the end ofthe federal election cycle in which the voter submits the application or for365 days, whichever is longer. The application from any person applying fortemporary registration under Articles 7 or 7.1 of Chapter 4 shall be acceptedat any time until the registration records are closed pursuant to § 24.2-416and shall be valid through the end of the federal election cycle in which thevoter submits the application or for 365 days, whichever is longer.
The general registrar shall retain the application and process theapplicant's request for an absentee ballot for each election in accordancewith procedures established by the State Board. The applicant shall specifyby party designation the primary ballots he is requesting.
If an official reply to the application or an absentee ballot sent to theapplicant is returned as undeliverable, no ballots for subsequent electionsshall be sent. No ballot shall be sent to the applicant, and no voted ballotreceived from the applicant shall be valid, (i) for any election held afterthe voter has notified the registrar that the voter no longer wishes to beregistered or (ii) after the registrar has received notification that thevoter has registered to vote in another state.
(1991, c. 603, § 24.1-228.1:1; 1993, c. 641; 2001, c. 793; 2004, c. 410;2006, c. 438; 2010, cc. 449, 645.)