§ 24.2-704. Applications and ballots for persons requiring assistance invoting; penalty.
The application for an absentee ballot shall provide space for the applicantto indicate that he will require assistance to vote his absentee ballot byreason of blindness, disability, or inability to read or write. On receipt ofan application from an applicant marked to indicate he will requireassistance, the electoral board shall deliver, with the items required by §24.2-706, the voter assistance form furnished by the State Board pursuant to§ 24.2-649. The voter and any person assisting him shall complete the form bysigning the request for assistance and statement required of the assistant.If the voter is unable to sign the request, the witness will note this facton the line for signature of voter. The provisions of § 24.2-649 shall applyto absentee voting and assistance for absentee voters. Any person whowillfully violates the provisions of this section or § 24.2-649 in providingassistance to a person who is voting absentee shall be guilty of a Class 5felony.
(1984, c. 775, § 24.1-228.2; 1993, c. 641; 1996, c. 295; 2006, c. 242; 2008,c. 880.)