§ 24.2-705.2. Late applications and in-person absentee voting for certainofficers of election.
Any officer of election, registered and otherwise qualified to vote, who isassigned after 12:00 noon on the Saturday before an election to be absentfrom his precinct and to serve as an officer of election in another precincton election day, may apply for an absentee ballot and vote absentee in personpursuant to this section and subject to the following conditions:
1. The officer of election applies in person for an absentee ballot on theMonday immediately preceding the election, before 2:00 p.m., at the principaloffice of the registrar; and
2. The officer signs a statement, which shall be deemed part of his absenteeballot application and subject to felony penalties for making falsestatements pursuant to § 24.2-1016, that he has been assigned to serve in aprecinct other than the precinct where he votes and that he did not havenotice or knowledge of such assignment prior to 12:00 noon on the immediatelypreceding Saturday.
(2001, c. 622.)