§ 24.2-709. Ballot to be returned in manner prescribed by law.
A. Any ballot returned to the office of the electoral board or generalregistrar in any manner except as prescribed by law shall be void. Absenteeballots shall be returned to the electoral board or general registrar beforethe closing of the polls. The board member or registrar receiving the ballotshall mark on each envelope the date, time, and manner of delivery. For allballots returned by the general registrar to the electoral board, the boardshall give to the general registrar a receipt showing the time and date ofthe return.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, absentee ballots (i)received after the close of the polls on any election day, (ii) receivedbefore 5:00 p.m. on the second business day before the State Board meets toascertain the results of the election pursuant to this title, (iii) requestedon or before but not sent by the deadline for making absentee ballotsavailable under § 24.2-612, and (iv) cast by an absentee voter who iseligible for an absentee ballot under subdivision 2 of § 24.2-700 shall becounted pursuant to the procedures set forth in this chapter and, if thevoter is found entitled to vote, included in the election returns. Theelectoral board shall prepare an amended certified abstract, which shallinclude the results of such ballots, and shall deliver such abstract to theState Board by the business day prior to its meeting pursuant to this title,and shall deliver a copy of such abstract to the general registrar to beavailable for inspection when his office is open for business.
(Code 1950, § 24-328; 1956, c. 525; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-230; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 119; 1975, c. 515; 1993, c. 641; 2002, cc. 785, 819; 2006, c. 297;2010, cc. 449, 645.)