§ 24.2-710. Further duties of electoral board and general registrar; absenteevoter applicant lists.
On receipt of an absentee ballot, the electoral board or general registrarshall mark the date of receipt in the appropriate column opposite the nameand address of the voter on the absentee voter applicant list maintained inthe general registrar's office. A board member or registrar shall deposit thereturn envelope and the unopened ballot envelope in an appropriate containerprovided for the purpose, in which they shall remain until the day of theelection.
On the day before the election, the general registrar shall (i) make out intriplicate on a form prescribed by the State Board the absentee voterapplicant list containing the names of all persons who applied for anabsentee ballot through the third day before the election and (ii) by noon onthe day before the election, deliver two copies of the list to the electoralboard. The general registrar shall make out a supplementary list containingthe names of all persons voting absentee in person pursuant to §§ 24.2-705.1and 24.2-705.2, or applying to vote absentee pursuant to § 24.2-705, fordelivery by 5:00 p.m. on the day before the election. The supplementary listshall be deemed part of the absentee voter applicant list and shall beprepared and delivered in accordance with the instructions of the StateBoard. The general registrar shall maintain one copy of the list in hisoffice for two years as a public record open for inspection upon requestduring regular office hours.
On the day before the election, the electoral board shall deliver one copy ofthe list provided to it by the general registrar to the chief officer ofelection for each precinct. The list shall be attested by the secretary ofthe electoral board who shall be responsible for the delivery of the attestedlists to the chief officer of election for each precinct.
Absentee ballots shall be accepted only from voters whose names appear on theattested list.
Before the polls close on the day of the election, the electoral board shalldeliver the absentee ballot containers to, and obtain a receipt from, theofficers of election at each appropriate precinct. Any ballot returned to theelectoral board or general registrar prior to the closing of the polls, butafter the ballot container has been delivered, shall be delivered in anappropriate container to the officers of election at each appropriateprecinct. The containers shall be sealed prior to delivery to the officersand shall contain the sealed absentee ballots, the accompanying returnenvelopes, and a copy of the absentee voter applicant list for each precinct.
If the county or city uses a central absentee voter precinct pursuant to §24.2-712, the lists and containers shall be delivered, as provided in thissection, to the officers of election for the absentee precinct.
Before noon on the day following the election, the general registrar shalldeliver all applications for absentee ballots for the election, under seal,to the clerk of the circuit court for the county or city, except that thegeneral registrar may retain all applications for absentee ballots until theelectoral board has ascertained the results of the election pursuant to §24.2-671, and has determined the validity of and counted all provisionalballots pursuant to § 24.2-653, at which point all applications shall then bedelivered, under seal, to the clerk of the circuit court for the county orcity. The clerk shall retain the sealed applications with the counted ballots.
The secretary of the electoral board shall deliver all absentee ballotsreceived after the election to the clerk of the circuit court.
Upon request, the State Board shall provide an electronic copy of theabsentee voter applicant list to any political party or candidate. Such listsshall be used only for campaign and political purposes. In no event shall anylist furnished under this section contain (i) any voter's social securitynumber or any part thereof, (ii) any voter's day and month of birth, or (iii)the residence address of any voter who has provided a post office box addressto be used on public lists pursuant to § 24.2-418.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-327, 24-330, 24-332, 24-333, 24-338, 24-338.1, 24-339,24-340, 24-341, 24-342, 24-345.6, 24-345.7, 24-345.8; 1952, c. 509; 1954, cc.511, 523, 539; 1956, c. 525; 1958, c. 351; 1962, c. 536; 1964, c. 557; 1970,c. 462, §§ 24.1-229, 24.1-231, 24.1-234; 1971, Ex. Sess., cc. 119, 247, 265;1972, cc. 620, 621; 1974, c. 428, § 24.1-233.1; 1975, c. 515; 1977, c. 490;1978, c. 778; 1980, c. 639; 1981, c. 425; 1983, c. 461; 1988, cc. 624, 691;1991, c. 3; 1993, c. 641; 1997, c. 464; 2001, cc. 622, 799; 2006, c. 297;2010, cc. 601, 812.)