§ 24.2-711. Duties of officers of election.
Before the polls open, the officers of election at each precinct shall mark,for each person on the absentee voter applicant list, the letters "AB"(meaning absentee ballot) in the voting record column on the pollbook. Thepollbook may be so marked prior to election day by the general registrar, thesecretary of the electoral board, or staff under the direction of the generalregistrar or the secretary, or when the pollbook is produced by the StateBoard pursuant to § 24.2-404. If the pollbook has been marked prior toelection day, before the polls open the officers of election at each precinctshall check the marks for accuracy and make any additions or correctionsrequired.
The chief officer of election shall keep the copy of the absentee voterapplicant list in the polling place as a public record open for inspectionupon request at all times while the polls are open.
If a voter, whose name appears on the absentee voter applicant list, has notreturned an unused ballot and offers to vote in his precinct, the officers ofelection in the precinct shall determine the matter pursuant to §§ 24.2-653.1and 24.2-708.
After the close of the polls, the container of absentee ballots shall beopened by the officers of election. As each ballot envelope is removed fromthe container, the name of the voter shall be called and checked as if thevoter were voting in person. If the voter is found entitled to vote, anofficer shall mark the voter's name on the pollbook with the first or nextconsecutive number from the voter count form, or shall enter that the voterhas voted if the pollbook is in electronic form. The ballot envelope shallthen be opened, and the ballot deposited in the ballot container withoutbeing unfolded or examined. If the voter is found not entitled to vote, theunopened envelope shall be rejected. A majority of the officers shall writeand sign a statement of the cause for rejection on the envelope or on anattachment to the envelope.
When all ballots have been accounted for and either voted or rejected, theofficers shall place the empty ballot envelopes, the return envelopes, andany rejected ballot envelopes, in one envelope provided for the purpose andseal and deliver it with the ballots cast at the election as provided in thistitle.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-330, 24-338, 24-338.1, 24-339, 24-340, 24-341, 24-342,24-345.8; 1952, c. 509; 1954, cc. 511, 523, 539; 1956, c. 525; 1962, c. 536;1964, c. 557; 1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-231, 24.1-234; 1972, c. 621; 1974, c.428, § 24.1-233.1; 1978, c. 778; 1981, c. 425; 1988, cc. 624, 691; 1991, c.3; 1993, c. 641; 2001, c. 799; 2002, cc. 785, 819; 2003, c. 1015; 2006, c.283.)