§ 24.2-946. Summary of election laws; forms; instructions.
A. The State Board shall summarize the provisions of the election lawsrelating to the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006 and provide fordistribution of this summary and prescribed forms to each candidate, person,or committee on request or upon their first filing with the State Boardpursuant to this chapter, whichever occurs first.
B. The Board shall designate the forms required for complying with thischapter which shall be the only such forms used in complying with theprovisions of this chapter.
C. The Board shall provide, with the summary required by this section,instructions for persons filing reports pursuant to this chapter to assistthem in completing the reports. The instructions shall include directions forthe reporting of filing fees for any party nomination method.
D. The Board shall provide instructions for candidates who seek election forsuccessive terms in the same office for the filing of reports within eachappropriate election cycle for the office and for the aggregation ofcontributions within each election cycle.
E. The Board shall provide, with the summary required by this section, toeach candidate, person, or committee on request or upon their first filingwith the State Board pursuant to this chapter, whichever occurs first, a copyof a written explanation prepared by the Attorney General of the provisionsof the Act that prohibit the personal use of campaign funds. The explanationshall cover the provisions that prohibit the personal use of campaign fundsand shall delineate the differences between prohibited personal uses ofcampaign funds and permitted uses of the funds.
(1970, c. 462, § 24.1-252; 1975, c. 515; 1983, c. 119; 1992, c. 447; 1993, c.641, § 24.2-903; 1996, c. 405; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2010, c. 268.)