§ 24.2-946.4. Right to grant extensions in special circumstances.
A. The State Board shall provide instructions to filers for delivery ofcampaign finance reports within the time periods prescribed by law.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any candidate or treasurerrequired to file a report pursuant to this chapter shall be entitled to a72-hour extension of the filing deadline if his spouse, parent, grandparent,child, grandchild, or sibling died within the 72 hours before the deadline.The State Board or the local electoral board shall be authorized to grant anextension of the filing deadline for a period not to exceed five days forgood cause shown by the filer and found by the Board or board sufficient tojustify the granting of the extension.
C. The Secretary of the State Board shall have additional authority to extenda deadline established in this chapter for filing reports in emergencysituations that interfere with the timely filing of reports. The extensionshall be limited in scope to the areas and times affected by the emergency.The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable only in the case of anemergency declared by the Governor pursuant to Chapter 3.2 (§ 44-146.13 etseq.) of Title 44 or declared by the President of the United States andconfirmed by the Governor by executive order as an emergency for the purposesof this subsection.
D. The Secretary of the State Board shall have additional authority to extenda deadline established in this chapter for filing reports for a reasonableperiod for a candidate who serves as his own campaign treasurer and who is amember of a uniformed service of the United States called to active dutyduring a reporting period.
E. The State Board shall have authority to extend any deadline applicable toreports required to be filed by computer or electronic means in the event ofa failure of the computer or electronic filing system that prevents timelyfiling. The extension shall not exceed a period of up to five days afterrestoration of the filing system to operating order.
F. The State Board shall have authority also to grant extensions as providedin §§ 24.2-503 and 24.2-948.3.
(1975, c. 515, § 24.1-262; 1984, c. 480, § 24.1-257.1; 1986, c. 558, §24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1990, c. 976; 1991, cc. 9, 709; 1993, c. 641, §§24.2-927, 24.2-929; 1994, c. 752; 1995, c. 785; 1996, c. 687, § 24.2-914.1;1997, cc. 364, 392; 1998, c. 416; 1999, c. 864; 2000, cc. 234, 511, 555;2001, cc. 620, 635, 648; 2002, cc. 468, 652; 2003, cc. 242, 726; 2004, cc.457, 480; 2005, cc. 9, 371, 676, 745; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)