§ 24.2-947.8. Filing requirements for special elections.
A. Candidates for nomination or election to an office to be filled by aspecial election held on a regular election date shall file the prescribedreports of contributions and expenditures which apply to regularly scheduledelections for that office.
B. In the case of a special election held on a date other than a regularlyscheduled general election, the candidate shall file as follows:
1. A report not later than the eighth day before the special election datecomplete through the eleventh day before that date;
2. A postelection report no later than the thirtieth day after the electionand prior to taking office; and
3. A postelection report not later than January 15 and July 15 each yearuntil a final report is filed.
C. Any candidate, who has been subject to the election year filing scheduleset out in subdivisions B 1 through B 3 and who has not filed a final report,shall file reports in any subsequent election year for the same office inaccordance with the election year filing schedule set out in § 24.2-947.6 or24.2-947.7 as appropriate for that office.
D. Any candidate shall also file any report of certain large contributionsrequired by § 24.2-947.9, if applicable.
(1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, cc. 639, 641,§ 24.2-918; 2005, c. 831; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2010, c. 696.)