§ 24.2-947.9. Special report required of certain large pre-electioncontributions.
A. Any contribution reported pursuant to this section shall also be reportedon the first report required by this article after any election.
B. Except as provided in subsection C, any single contribution of $5,000 ormore for a statewide office, $1,000 or more for the General Assembly, or $500or more for any other office, knowingly received or reported by the candidateor his treasurer on behalf of his candidacy (i) on and after the twelfth daypreceding a primary and before the primary date, (ii) on and after thetwelfth day preceding a general election and before the general electiondate, or (iii) on and after the eleventh day preceding any other election inwhich the individual is a candidate and before the election day, shall bereported in writing as provided in §§ 24.2-947.4 and 24.2-947.5 orelectronically pursuant to § 24.2-946.1, and the report shall be received bythe State Board or local electoral board, as appropriate, by 5:00 p.m. on thefollowing day or for a contribution received on a Saturday by 5:00 p.m. onthe following Monday. However, any such contribution received within the 24hours prior to the election day shall be reported and a report thereofreceived on the day prior to the election.
C. The reports required by subsection B of this section shall also berequired of any candidate for nomination by a political party to serve as theparty's nominee in a general or special election if (i) the party nominatesby convention or any method other than a primary and (ii) there are at leasttwo candidates for nomination pursuant to the rules and procedures of theparty. In such case, candidates for nomination shall be required to file thereports required by subsection B for the 12-day or 11-day period, asspecified by subsection B, immediately preceding:
1. The caucus, mass meeting, convention, or other nominating event at whichthe party's nomination shall be finally determined pursuant to the rules andprocedures of the party; and
2. Any caucus, mass meeting, convention, or other nominating event, otherthan that at which the party's nomination shall be finally determined, atwhich delegates are chosen who are pledged to support a specified candidateon at least one ballot at a subsequent district or state convention requiredas part of the nominating process.
D. No report shall be required pursuant to subsection C if the candidate isor has become, by virtue of the withdrawal of any opponent or the operationof the rules and procedures of the party, unopposed for nomination at thetime such report otherwise would be required to be made.
(1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, cc. 639, 641,§ 24.2-919; 1995, c. 785; 1998, c. 382; 2000, c. 304; 2006, cc. 787, 892;2007, cc. 151, 286; 2008, c. 380.)