§ 24.2-949.1. Establishment of political action committees by certainentities.
Any stock or nonstock corporation, labor organization, membershiporganization, cooperative, or other group of persons may establish andadminister for political purposes, and solicit and expend contributions for,a political action committee, provided that:
1. No political action committee shall make a contribution or expenditure byutilizing money or anything of value secured by physical force, jobdiscrimination, financial reprisal, threat of force, or as a condition ofemployment.
2. Any person soliciting a contribution to a political action committeeshall, at the time of solicitation, inform the person being solicited of (i)his right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal and (ii) the politicalpurposes of the committee.
(1981, c. 425, § 24.1-254.2; 1993, c. 641, § 24.2-909; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)