§ 24.2-949.3. Use of candidate's name in name of political committee.
A. No political action committee required to file a statement of organizationpursuant to § 24.2-949.2 shall include in any part of its name the name of acandidate unless the political action committee either (i) has obtained,prior to filing, the written authorization of the candidate to use thecandidate's name as part of the name of the political action committee or(ii) has mailed by certified mail, 21 or more days prior to filing, writtennotice to the candidate of its intent to use his name as part of the name ofthe political action committee.
B. Any political action committee which intends to use the name of acandidate as part of the name of the political action committee shall filewith the statement of organization required by § 24.2-949.2 either (i) a copyof the written authorization of the candidate consenting to the use of hisname or (ii) a copy of its notice to the candidate and evidence of its timelymailing. If two candidates seeking the same office have the same surname, thepolitical action committee shall include the first name, or other initial ornickname, and the last name of the candidate, in the name of the politicalaction committee so as to identify which candidate is associated with thepolitical action committee; and either the written authorization of theidentified candidate or written notice to the identified candidate shall berequired by this section.
(1996, cc. 586, 601, § 24.2-908.1; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)