§ 24.2-949.8. With whom political action committees file reports; electronicfiling requirement.
A. Political action committees required to file reports by this article shallfile all statements and campaign finance reports with the State Board.
B. A political action committee that is required by this chapter to filereports with the State Board, and that accepts contributions or makesexpenditures in excess of $10,000 in any calendar year, or that acceptedcontributions or made expenditures in excess of $10,000 in the previouscalendar year, shall file its reports with the State Board by computer orelectronic means in accordance with the standards approved by the State Boarduntil such time as the political action committee files a final report. Anypolitical action committee that has been filing electronically, but does notanticipate accepting contributions or making expenditures in excess of$10,000 in the upcoming calendar year, may sign a waiver, on a formprescribed by the State Board, to exempt the committee from the electronicfiling requirement for the calendar year. Such waiver form shall be submittedand received no later than the date the first report is due covering activityfor that calendar year.
C. For political action committees that are not subject to the provisions ofsubsection B, any report required to be filed with the State Board shall bedeemed to be filed by the deadline for the report if it is mailed andpostmarked not later than the deadline for filing the report.
(1996, c. 687, § 24.2-914.1; 1997, cc. 364, 392; 1998, c. 416; 1999, c. 864;2000, cc. 511, 555; 2003, c. 242; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)