§ 24.2-949.9:2. Out-of-state political committees; reporting requirements.
A. The provisions of this section are applicable only to out-of-statepolitical committees.
B. After the committee has met the requirements of § 24.2-949.9:1 and uponmaking any contribution to a candidate campaign committee or politicalcommittee registered in Virginia, the committee shall report itscontributions and contributors in accordance with subsection C to the StateBoard of Elections by computer or electronic means as prescribed in §24.2-946.1.
C. The report required by subsection B shall include (i) a report of thecontributions the committee has made to candidate campaign committees orpolitical committees in the Commonwealth since the filing of a report of itscontributions pursuant to subsection D of § 24.2-949.9:1 or this subsectionduring the period covered by the report and (ii) a list of each contributorwho has contributed to the committee $2,500 or more in the aggregate sincethe filing of a list of its contributors pursuant to subsection D of §24.2-949.9:1 or this subsection with the contributor's name, address,occupation, employer, and place of business and the dates and amounts of thecontributor's contributions during the period covered by the report.
D. Upon transfer of a designated contribution to a designated candidate'scampaign committee, the committee shall provide information to the campaigncommittee to identify the contributor as provided by § 24.2-947.4.
E. The reporting requirements of this section shall continue in effect foreach committee until a final report is filed that sets forth allcontributions and expenditures not previously reported. The final reportshall include a termination statement, signed by an officer of the committee,that all reporting is complete and final.
(2006, cc. 771, 805, § 24.2-910.2; 2008, cc. 152, 289.)