§ 24.2-950.8. With whom political party committees file reports.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, a political party committee that isrequired by this chapter to file reports with the State Board, and thataccepts contributions or makes expenditures in excess of $10,000 in anycalendar year, or that accepted contributions or made expenditures in excessof $10,000 in the previous calendar year, shall file its reports with theState Board by computer or electronic means in accordance with the standardsapproved by the State Board until such time as the political party committeefiles a final report. Any political party committee that has been filingelectronically, but does not anticipate accepting contributions or makingexpenditures in excess of $10,000 in the upcoming calendar year, may sign awaiver, on a form prescribed by the State Board, to exempt the committee fromthe electronic filing requirement for the calendar year. Such waiver formshall be submitted and received no later than the date the first report isdue covering activity for that calendar year.
B. A county, city, or local district political party committee shall not berequired to file by computer or electronic means if it files its reports withthe electoral board of that county or city.
C. Other political party committees required to file reports by this articleshall file all campaign finance reports with the State Board, if filing byelectronic means, or with the State Board and the local electoral board forits jurisdiction if filing campaign finance reports by nonelectronic means.
(1996, c. 687, § 24.2-914.1; 1997, cc. 364, 392; 1998, c. 416; 1999, c. 864;2000, cc. 511, 555; 2003, c. 242; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)