§ 24.2-952.4. Filing schedule for inaugural committees.
An inaugural committee shall file the prescribed reports of contributions andexpenditures as follows:
1. Not later than March 15 immediately following the inauguration for allcontributions and expenditures made prior to the preceding March 1;
2. Not later than July 15 of the inauguration year complete through June 30;
3. Not later than the following January 15 complete through December 31; and
4. Not later than January 15 complete through December 31 and annuallythereafter until a final report is filed.
(1991, cc. 474, 709, §§ 24.1-254.3, 24.1-924; 1993, c. 641, §§ 24.2-913,24.2-924; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)