§ 24.2-952.5. Large dollar contribution reporting requirement for inauguralcommittees.
In addition to the reports required by § 24.2-952.4, inaugural committeesshall report any single contribution or loan of $10,000 or more received atany time during the calendar year within three business days of receipt ofthe contribution or loan.
1. The report shall be filed on a "large dollar contribution report" formprescribed by the State Board and shall be filed in writing or electronicallyin the same manner as the committee files its quarterly disclosure reports.
2. Any contribution or loan reported pursuant to this section shall also bereported on the next subsequent report required under § 24.2-952.4 followingreceipt of the contribution or loan.
3. For the purposes of this section, inaugural committees shall report as onecontribution multiple contributions from a single source that have beensubdivided into smaller amounts or given through different bank accounts forthe purpose of evading the $10,000 threshold.
4. An inaugural committee that receives contributions from affiliatedorganizations shall not be deemed to be receiving contributions from a singlesource.
(1984, c. 480, § 24.1-923; 1991, cc. 9, 474, 709, § 24.1-254.3; 1993, cc.639, 641, § 24.2-913, 24.2-923; 1995, c. 785; 2002, cc. 156, 237; 2003, c.256; 2004, c. 26; 2005, c. 9; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)