§ 24.2-955.1. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Advertisement" means any message appearing in the print media, ontelevision, or on radio that constitutes a contribution or expenditure underChapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.). "Advertisement" shall not include noveltyitems authorized by a candidate including, but not limited to, pens, pencils,magnets, and buttons to be attached to wearing apparel.
"Authorized by ......" means the same as "authorization" as defined in §
"Campaign telephone calls" means a series of telephone calls, electronic orotherwise, made (i) to 25 or more telephone numbers in the Commonwealth, (ii)during the 180 days before a general or special election or during the 90days before a primary or other political party nominating event, (iii)conveying or soliciting information relating to any candidate or politicalparty participating in the election, primary or other nominating event, and(iv) under an agreement to compensate the telephone callers.
"Candidate" means "candidate" as defined in § 24.2-101.
"Candidate campaign committee" or "campaign committee" means "campaigncommittee" as defined in § 24.2-945.1.
"Coordinated" or "coordination" means an expenditure that is made (i) atthe express request or suggestion of a candidate, a candidate's campaigncommittee, or an agent of the candidate or his campaign committee or (ii)with material involvement of the candidate, a candidate's campaign committee,or an agent of the candidate or his campaign committee in devising thestrategy, content, means of dissemination, or timing of the expenditure.
"Conspicuous" means so written, displayed, or communicated that areasonable person ought to have noticed it.
"Full-screen" means the only picture appearing on the television screenduring the oral disclosure statement that (i) contains the disclosing person,(ii) occupies all visible space on the television screen, and (iii) containsthe image of the disclosing person that occupies at least 50% of the verticalheight of the television screen.
"Independent expenditure" means "independent expenditure" as defined in §24.2-945.1.
"Occurrence" means one broadcast of a radio or television politicalcampaign advertisement.
"Political action committee" means "political action committee" asdefined in § 24.2-945.1.
"Political committee" means "political committee" as defined in §24.2-945.1.
"Political party" has the same meaning as "party" or "political party"as defined in § 24.2-101.
"Political party committee" means any state political party committee,congressional district political party committee, county or city politicalparty committee, or organized political party group of elected officials. Theterm shall not include any other organization or auxiliary associated with orusing the name of a political party.
"Print media" means billboards, cards, newspapers, newspaper inserts,magazines, printed material disseminated through the mail, pamphlets, fliers,bumper stickers, periodicals, website, electronic mail, and outdooradvertising facilities. If a single print media advertisement consists ofmultiple pages, folds, or faces, the disclosure requirement of this sectionapplies only to one page, fold, or face.
"Radio" means any radio broadcast station that is subject to the provisionsof 47 U.S.C. §§ 315 and 317.
"Scan line" means a standard term of measurement used in the electronicmedia industry calculating a certain area in a television advertisement.
"Sponsor" means a candidate, candidate campaign committee, politicalcommittee, or person that purchases an advertisement.
"Television" means any television broadcast station, cable televisionsystem, wireless-cable multipoint distribution system, satellite company, ortelephone company transmitting video programming that is subject to theprovisions of 47 U.S.C. §§ 315 and 317.
"Unobscured" means that the only printed material that may appear on thetelevision screen is a visual disclosure statement required by law, and thatnothing is blocking the view of the disclosing person's face.
(2002, c. 487, § 24.2-942; 2003, c. 237; 2006, cc. 787, 892.)