§ 24.2-955.2. Publications not to receive compensation for advocatingcandidacy; penalties.
A. It shall be unlawful for any owner, proprietor, editor, manager, officer,clerk, agent, reporter, or employee of any newspaper, magazine, or periodicalprinted or published in this Commonwealth to accept or receive or agree toaccept or receive, for himself or another, any money or other valuableconsideration for such newspaper, magazine, or other periodical supporting oradvocating the election or defeat of any candidate. But nothing in thissection shall prevent any person, firm, or corporation engaged in thepublication of any newspaper, magazine or periodical from receiving from anyperson compensation for printing and publishing any matter, article orarticles advocating the election or defeat of any candidate, if a statement,"Paid Advertisement," appears in plain type in boldface Roman capitals in aconspicuous place at the beginning of the matter or article and the matter orarticle otherwise complies with the provisions of this chapter.
B. The person accepting a "Paid Advertisement" for the newspaper, magazineor periodical shall require, and for one year shall retain a copy of, proofof the identity of the person who submits the advertisement for publicationwhen the authorization statement on the advertisement is made pursuant tothis chapter by an individual or entity other than a candidate, candidatecampaign committee, political party committee, or political action committee.Proof of identity shall be submitted either (i) in person and include a validVirginia driver's license, or any other identification card issued by agovernment agency of the Commonwealth, one of its political subdivisions, orthe United States, or (ii) other than in person, in which case, the personsubmitting the advertisement shall provide a telephone number and the personaccepting the advertisement may phone the person to verify the validity ofthe person's identifying information before publishing the advertisement. Anycandidate clearly identified in the advertisement is entitled to the name ofthe person who submitted the advertisement after the publication of theadvertisement in the newspaper, magazine, or periodical.
C. Any such owner, proprietor, editor, manager, officer, clerk, agent,reporter, or employee violating the provisions of subsection A or B shall besubject to a civil penalty not to exceed $50; and, in the case of a willfulviolation, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The procedure toenforce the civil penalty provided in this section shall be as stated inArticle 8 of Chapter 9.3.
(Code 1950, § 24-406; 1952, c. 4; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-276; 1991, c. 709;1993, c. 641, § 24.2-1013; 2001, c. 747; 2002, c. 487; 2006, cc. 787, 892;2008, c. 825.)