§ 24.2-956. Requirements for print media advertisements sponsored by acandidate campaign committee.
It shall be unlawful for any candidate or candidate campaign committee tosponsor a print media advertisement that constitutes an expenditure orcontribution required to be disclosed under Chapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.)unless all of the following conditions are met:
1. It bears the legend or includes the statement: "Paid for by ............
[Name of candidate or campaign committee]." Alternatively, if the
advertisement is supporting a candidate who is the sponsor and the
advertisement makes no reference to any other clearly identified candidate,
then the statement "Paid for by ............ [Name of sponsor]" may be
replaced by the statement "Authorized by ............ [Name of sponsor]."
2. In an advertisement sponsored by a candidate or a candidate campaigncommittee that makes reference to any other clearly identified candidate whois not sponsoring the advertisement, the sponsor shall state whether it isauthorized by the candidate not sponsoring the advertisement. The visuallegend in the advertisement shall state either "Authorized by [Name ofcandidate], candidate for [Name of office]" or "Not authorized by any othercandidate." This subdivision does not apply if the sponsor of theadvertisement is the candidate the advertisement supports or that candidate'scampaign committee.
3. If an advertisement is jointly sponsored, the disclosure statement shallname all the sponsors.
4. Any disclosure statement required by this section shall be displayed in aconspicuous manner.
(2002, c. 487, § 24.2-943; 2003, c. 237; 2004, cc. 55, 457; 2005, c. 369;2006, cc. 787, 892.)