§ 24.2-956.1. Requirements for print media advertisements sponsored by aperson or political committee, other than a candidate campaign committee.
It shall be unlawful for any person or political committee to sponsor a printmedia advertisement that constitutes an expenditure or contribution requiredto be disclosed under Chapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.) unless the followingrequirements are met:
1. It bears the legend or includes the statement: "Paid for by ............
[Name of person or political committee]."
2. In an advertisement supporting or opposing the nomination or election ofone or more clearly identified candidates, the sponsor states whether it isauthorized by a candidate. The visual legend in the advertisement shall stateeither "Authorized by [Name of candidate], candidate for [Name of office]"or "Not authorized by a candidate."
3. In an advertisement that identifies a candidate the sponsor is opposing,the sponsor must disclose in the advertisement the name of the candidate whois intended to benefit from the advertisement, if the sponsor coordinateswith, or has the authorization of, the benefited candidate.
4. If an advertisement is jointly sponsored, the disclosure statement shallname all the sponsors.
5. Any disclosure statement required by this section shall be displayed in aconspicuous manner.
(2002, c. 487, § 24.2-943; 2003, c. 237; 2004, cc. 55, 457; 2005, c. 369;2006, cc. 787, 892.)