§ 24.2-958.3. Requirements for radio advertisements sponsored by a personthat is not a candidate or political committee.
A. It shall be unlawful for a person to sponsor an advertisement thatconstitutes an expenditure or contribution required to be disclosed underChapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.) unless the following requirements are met:
1. Radio advertisements purchased by an individual supporting or opposing thenomination or election of one or more clearly identified candidates shallinclude a disclosure statement spoken by the individual containing at leastthe following words: "I am [individual's name], and I sponsored this ad."
2. Radio advertisements purchased by a corporation, partnership, business,labor organization, membership organization, association, cooperative, orother like entity supporting or opposing the nomination or election of one ormore clearly identified candidates shall include a disclosure statementspoken by the chief executive of the sponsor containing at least thefollowing words: "[Name of sponsor] paid for (or "sponsored' or "furnished')this ad."
B. In its oral disclosure statement, a person may choose to identify anadvertisement as either supporting or opposing the nomination or election ofone or more clearly identified candidates.
C. If an advertisement is jointly sponsored, the disclosure statement shallinclude the names of all the sponsors.
(2002, c. 487, § 24.2-944; 2004, cc. 55, 457; 2005, c. 369; 2006, cc. 787,892.)