§ 25.1-101. Condemnation by state institutions.
A. Any state institution may acquire by condemnation title to (i) land, (ii)any easement thereover or (iii) any sand, earth, gravel, water or othernecessary material for the purpose of opening, constructing, repairing ormaintaining a road or for any other authorized public undertaking; however,such acquisition by condemnation shall only be commenced if the terms ofpurchase cannot be agreed upon or the owner (a) is unknown, (b) cannot withreasonable diligence be found within this Commonwealth or (c) cannotnegotiate an agreement or convey legal title to the property because theowner is a person under a disability.
B. Condemnation proceedings authorized by subsection A shall be conductedunder the provisions of Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 et seq.) of this title insofaras applicable.
(Code 1950, § 25-232; 1964, c. 291, § 25-232.01; 1980, c. 559; 1986, c. 117;2003, c. 940.)