§ 25.1-218. Intervention in proceedings.
Any person not already a party to the proceedings whose property, or anyinterest or estate therein, is to be taken or damaged, or who claims that hisother property, or any interest therein will be damaged as a result of thetaking and use by the petitioner, may be made a party to the proceeding uponfiling a petition for intervention by leave of court (i) at any time prior tothe beginning of the trial of the issue of just compensation, or (ii) in thediscretion of the court, at such other times during the pendency of theproceeding upon such terms and conditions as the court deems proper,considering all the circumstances at that time. Such a person intervening inthe proceeding shall be permitted to assert any claim or defense then germaneto the proceeding upon such terms and conditions as the court deemsreasonable and proper.
(Code 1919, § 4383; Code 1950, § 25-42; 1962, c. 426, § 25-46.16; 2003, c.940.)