§ 25.1-228. Qualification of jurors.
A. The provisions of this article shall apply in eminent domain proceedingsin which the issue of just compensation is to be determined by a jury.
B. Persons selected as condemnation jurors shall be residents of the countyor city in which the property to be condemned, or the greater portionthereof, is situated. No person shall be eligible as a condemnation jurorwhen he, or any person for him, solicits or requests a member of the jurycommission to place his name on a list of condemnation jurors. All of thepersons included on the list of condemnation jurors shall be freeholders ofproperty within the jurisdiction.
(Code 1919, §§ 4366, 4367; 1928, p. 334; 1948, p. 168; Code 1950, §§ 25-12,25-16; 1962, c. 426, § 25-46.20; 1968, c. 535; 1973, c. 510; 1974, c. 625;1975, c. 551; 1991, c. 520; 1993, c. 906; 1997, c. 58; 2000, c. 1029; 2003,c. 940; 2006, c. 586.)