§ 25.1-233. Confirmation of report; exceptions to report.
A. The report of the body determining just compensation may be confirmed orset aside forthwith by the court.
B. However, when the report is so filed and before the court passes thereon,either party shall have the right to file written exceptions to the report,which shall be filed not later than 10 days after the rendering of the reportby the body determining just compensation. The court shall have the samepower over the reports of the body determining just compensation as it nowhas over verdicts of juries in civil actions.
C. Upon hearing of exceptions to the report the court shall not recall andquestion the members of the body determining just compensation as to themanner in which their report was determined unless there be an allegation insuch written exceptions that fraud, collusion, corruption or improper conductentered into the report. If such allegation is made, the judge shall summonthe members of the body determining just compensation to appear and he aloneshall question them concerning their actions. If the court be satisfied thatfraud, collusion, corruption or improper conduct entered into the report ofthe body determining just compensation, the report shall be set aside and anew body to determine just compensation shall be empanelled to rehear thecase.
D. If the court be satisfied that no such fraud, collusion, corruption orimproper conduct entered into the report of the body determining justcompensation, or no other cause exists that would justify setting aside ormodifying a jury verdict in civil actions, the report shall be confirmed.
(Code 1919, §§ 4368, 4369; Code 1950, §§ 25-17, 25-18, 25-18.1; 1956, c. 563;1962, c. 426, § 25-46.21; 1991, c. 520; 2000, c. 1029; 2003, c. 940.)