§ 25.1-401. Scope of chapter.
A. The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to the acquisition ofreal property by any locality defined as a state agency for purposes of thischapter, notwithstanding the provisions of the locality's charter.
B. Unless compliance with the provisions of this chapter is a prerequisite tothe receipt and expenditure of federal funds on the projects for whichproperty is acquired, this chapter shall not apply to acquisitions by a stateagency (i) that are voluntarily initiated or negotiated by the seller underno threat of condemnation, (ii) where property is dedicated pursuant to theprovisions of Chapter 22 (§ 15.2-2200 et seq.) of Title 15.2, or (iii) whereproperty is voluntarily dedicated or donated for no consideration.
(1972, c. 738, § 25-236; 1979, c. 235; 2000, c. 851; 2003, c. 940.)