§ 25.1-414. Authority of agency where replacement housing not available;requiring person to move.
A. If a program or project undertaken by a state agency cannot proceed toactual construction on a timely basis because comparable replacementdwellings are not available, and the state agency determines that suchdwellings cannot otherwise be made available, such agency may take suchaction as is necessary or appropriate to provide such dwellings by use offunds authorized for such project. The state agency may use this section toexceed the maximum amounts that may be paid under §§ 25.1-409 and 25.1-410 ona case-by-case basis for good cause as determined in accordance with suchregulations as the state agency shall issue.
B. No person shall be required to move from his dwelling on account of anyproject, unless the head of the state agency is satisfied that comparablereplacement housing is available to such person.
(1972, c. 738, § 25-247; 1989, c. 714; 2003, c. 940.)