§ 26-32. Where filed; notice to certain parties.
The commissioner shall file the report in the office of the court by which heis appointed as soon as practicable after its completion. On or before thedate of filing a report on a personal representative's account, thecommissioner shall send a copy of the report and any attachments, excludingthe account, by first-class mail to every person who (i) was entitled torequest a copy of the account pursuant to § 26-12.4 and (ii) submits awritten request therefor to the commissioner. The copy of the commissioner'sreport shall be accompanied by a statement advising the recipient that thereport will stand confirmed by law fifteen days after the report is filedwith the court in the absence of any objections being filed thereto.
(Code 1919, § 5427; 1997, c. 842; 2001, c. 265.)