§ 26-68.1. Proceedings to sell property of absentee after failure to locateheirs.
Any duly appointed conservator of the estate of a person the presumption ofwhose death has been raised under § 64.1-105 or of the estate of any suchperson known to be dead after diligent, unsuccessful effort to locate theheirs of such person for not less than two years after the death became knownor presumed, may petition the court having jurisdiction over lands owned bythe decedent for permission to sell such land. Proceedings under this sectionshall conform as nearly as may be to proceedings relating to the sale of landowned by an infant. The conservator shall account for the proceeds of thesale, and the net proceeds, after disbursement of costs, shall be conservedin such manner as the court deems proper.
(1954, c. 387; 1996, cc. 675, 684.)