§ 26-70. Termination of conservatorship.
At any time upon petition of such absentee, or upon the petition of a dulyconstituted attorney in fact of such absentee, if the court is of the opinionthat such power of attorney is valid, the court shall direct the terminationof the conservatorship and shall transfer all property held for such absenteeto him, or to such attorney in fact, as the case may be. Should itsubsequently appear to the court, during the pendency of such conservatorshipthat such absentee has died, and an administrator or executor has beenappointed for his estate, the court shall order such conservator to settlethe accounts of his transactions before the court, and shall direct thepayment or transfer of such estate then remaining to such administrator orexecutor, as the case may be.
(1944, p. 362; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 5400d.)