§ 27-1. Fire fighters, emergency medical technicians, and equipment may inemergencies go or be sent beyond territorial limits.
Whenever the necessity arises during any actual or potential emergencyresulting from fire, personal injury, or other public disaster, the firefighters or emergency medical technicians of any county, city or town may,together with all necessary equipment, lawfully go or be sent beyond theterritorial limits of such county, city or town to any point within orwithout the Commonwealth, to assist in meeting such emergency.
In such event the acts performed for such purpose by such fire fighters oremergency medical technicians, and the expenditures made for such purpose bysuch county, city or town, shall be deemed conclusively to be for a publicand governmental purpose and all of the immunities from liability enjoyed bya county, city or town when acting through its fire fighters or emergencymedical technicians for a public or governmental purpose within itsterritorial limits shall be enjoyed by it to the same extent when suchcounty, city or town is so acting, under this section or under other lawfulauthority, beyond its territorial limits.
The fire fighters or emergency medical technicians of any county, city ortown, when acting hereunder, or under other lawful authority, beyond theterritorial limits of such county, city or town, shall have all theimmunities from liability and exemptions from laws, ordinances andregulations, and shall have all of the pension, relief, disability, workers'compensation and other benefits, enjoyed by them while performing theirrespective duties.
(1942, p. 376; Michie Code 1942, § 3032c; 1966, c. 134; 1977, c. 326; 1995,c. 461.)