§ 27-2. Contracts of cities or towns to furnish fire protection; emergencymedical services.
The governing body of any city or town may, in its discretion, authorize orrequire the fire department or emergency medical services department ordivision thereof to render aid in cases of actual or potential fire ormedical emergency occurring beyond their limits, and may prescribe theconditions on which such aid may be rendered, and may enter into a contract,or contracts, with nearby, adjacent or adjoining counties and cities, withinor without the Commonwealth, including the District of Columbia, forrendering aid in fire protection or in emergency medical response in suchcounties, cities, or any district, or sanitary district thereof or in theDistrict of Columbia, on such terms as may be agreed upon by such governingbody and the governing body of the District of Columbia or of such countiesor cities and/or district, including sanitary districts; provided, that eachof the parties to such agreement may contract as follows: (1) waive any andall claims against all the other parties thereto which may arise out of theiractivities outside their respective jurisdictions under such agreement; (2)indemnify and save harmless the other parties to such agreement from allclaims by third parties for property damage or personal injury which mayarise out of the activities of the other parties to such agreement outsidetheir respective jurisdictions under such agreement. When the fire departmentor emergency medical services department or division of any city or town isoperating under such permission or contract, or contracts, on any call beyondthe corporate limits of the city or town, it shall be deemed to be operatingin a governmental capacity, and subject only to such liability for injuriesas it would be if it were operating within the corporate limits of such cityor town.
(Code 1919, § 3033; 1938, p. 576; 1966, c. 134; 1968, c. 801; 1995, c. 461.)